Sunday, October 11, 2009

Parents Get Old. That is a fact

Ok, I know the title seems strange but the truth is that our Parents who took care of us when we were little are now in our care. We will never understand it all no matter how hard we try. Age happens and along with it comes all the pain and your body doesn't work the same way. As children we find it hard to see them go from being our caregivers to being cared for. This is the First Lesson: Our Parents Will Get Old.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Good, Bad, and the outright Mean

, , . Still standing in line for a flu shot and I have noticed the people come in all moods. The banter back and forth of what we are calling "the lucky 200" while standing in the line that seems to never end really makes me feel better about the nature of people. Right now everyone is happy and hopeful but that could all change is they run out of shots. This update is just that; an update. I can see the folks who are giving the shots now. The mood is good so maybe there is hope for mankind. RIGHT!!!

Standing in line to get a flu shot

Now don't get me wrong, I do understand that if you want a flu shot this year you will have to stand in line. That is the nature of the business. Right now I am standing in Target in a line of people who want a shot. Everyone is talking about the process and why it has to be so difficult to get one. In this day and age with technology and distbution of goods and services, you would think that this process would note take so long or be so crazy. I guess the point of all this is that if you want it for your protection and wellbeing, you have to follow the rules. One man standing in line said that the government should provide it for all Americans, "it is our right". Depending on how you feel about government intrusive powers, it only makes me wonder if the planned "socialized medical program" will be like this. I guess only time will tell. Right now I am standing in line with my sleve pulled up waiting for a shot.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Help, My Mother Can't Take Care Of Herself!

From time to time it appears that life provides you with a bump in the road. This happens to everyone from time to time but when it comes in the form of one or both parents becoming unable to take care of themselves, that bump becomes a huge pothole. I find myself in this situation at this present time and along with my sister, taking care of our mother is a daunting task. In the next few blog entries, I will attempt to explore this very common problem facing boomers now that their parents who took care of them are not the ones who need the TLC. This experience is not what I thought I would be doing at this time of my life. I understood that there would come a time when my parents would require care. I felt as if I was going to be prepared for this chore but when the time came I was not. This blog will explore the many levels of emotions, the facts of caregiving, and finally some of the reality that goes along with this. I have decided that humor will play a big part in this blog because humor plays a big part in my life. Without humor this daunting task would be more than I could handle.